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"Easy 3D software and digital versatile methods to use Stereois of projects."
And 3-dimensional objects, digitizing software easy to use versatile method's. Stereo, the user-dimensional data to obtain 3-dimensional objects or surfaces that provide stereo pictures and images within the software.

The user places items from arbitrary camera positions can take a number of photos. Photos can be loaded into Stereo and calibrated using a known x, y, z coordinates within a few points photos.

After calibrating, stereo camera location for each photo you know. Areas of interest on the items and then place a couple of hand and surface data is created for each photo. To define a 3D object is created by taking photos of many overlapping and using data for the previous couple to the second pair of calibrated, and therefore should be possible.

Model shown on the screen can be rotated about the surface in all axes using the mouse. Scaling, and various shading options are available via buttons graphics window. Linux can download free stereo 0.2b for now.

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